MSM som kosttilskudd og supplement til annen behandling - RenMSM
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MSM som kosttilskudd og supplement til annen behandling

MSM er ett av de minst giftige kosttilskuddene som finnes, og er derfor svært interessant å bruke synergistisk (forsterkende) på andre tilskudd. Vi kan anse MSM som like trygt som vann. Og i alle år det har blitt brukt som kosttilskudd har det ikke blitt rapportert legemiddelinteraksjoner med det.

I denne studien har de sett på hvordan MSM kan brukes sammen med brystkreftmedisin for å redusere dosen og bivirkningene på brystkreftmedisinen.

Nå skal det være sagt at dosene og formålet med MSM i denne studien ikke kan relateres til MSM brukt som kosttilskudd. Jeg deler et sitat her som gir en god oppsummering av opptak og virkning av MSM som jeg synes er verdt å få med seg.

«Research efforts to find natural compounds for tumor growth suppression have revealed great potency and potential in cancer management. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), also known as dimethyl sulfone, is an organic sulfur compound mainly present in foods such as fruits and vegetables, and in beverages as well. Therefore, MSM intake is possible through diet [1719]. Study results have demonstrated that MSM was associated with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms [2021]. The pharmacokinetics studies on MSM indicated that, uptake and distribution of MSM throughout the body rapidly and it was eliminated through the urine [2223]. The studies related with high dosage of oral administration of MSM showed the upregulated levels of MSM in blood which indicating the ability of MSM to diffuse in blood even in high concentration [2425].»


The results of the current study demonstrated that our drug combination synergistically inhibited the Jak2/STAT5b signaling pathway and also inhibited BCa growth and metastasis, even though the concentrations of the drugs were lower as compared to the individual agents. Therefore, the combination of Tam and MSM may enhance therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of human breast adenocarcinoma. The treatment combination had the added advantage of reducing the dose intensity of the individual drugs, thereby reducing the ocurrence and severity of the adverse effects associated with the use of the individual drugs.


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